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A program of the Ithaca Green New Deal

Clean, Comfortable, Electric.

electrification, weatherization, efficiency, & renewables in a one-stop shop.


modern home energy solutions


Induction Cooktops


Water Heaters

Heat Pump Installation

On-site Renewables

get  a  free  consultation  today!

Answer a few questions about your property and get a customized building report from BlocPower.

about the program

The City of Ithaca has partnered with Brooklyn tech startup, BlocPower, to work with local contractors to weatherize, optimize, and electrify all 6,000 buildings in the city while creating hundreds of new, good-paying jobs. Electrify Ithaca is the flagship program of the Ithaca Green New Deal, our local government's commitment to community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030.

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"We can no longer have climate justice as a footnote - it has to be at the center."

Dr. Luis Aguirre-Torres, City of Ithaca

Send Us a Message

108 E Green Street

Ithaca, New York 14850

Electrify Ithaca is an official program of the City of Ithaca and the Ithaca Green New Deal.

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